Five minutes with Jodie Teare, founder of Lullaloop
Lullaloop is a clothing rental company for children.
1. Who are you and why did you start Lullaloop?
I am a mother of two who loves long walks, swimming, yoga, travelling and margaritas (the tequila kind)
I started Lullaloop because when I became a Mum, I could not believe how wasteful and inefficient clothing our babies and toddlers is. One of the many challenges in becoming a new parent is figuring out through trial and error what clothes your baby will need. It sounds simple, but until your baby is born you don't know if they will be in newborn sizing for eight weeks or if it’s straight into 0–3 month clothes. There's so much that unintentionally goes to waste. With the number of times I've heard parents moan about the fact that they had only just bought their baby or been gifted a new outfit only for them to grow out of it quickly, it became apparent that there is a demand for a more affordable and less wasteful approach to clothing our babies.
The intention behind starting Lullaloop was to not only take one more item off a new parents 'to-do list' but to come up with a solution that is kinder to our planet. I believe there is a way we can dress our little ones with style, whilst sustaining the planet and saving our precious time, money and space.
2. What’s your advice to others starting their own business?!
Firstly, if you have a business idea, let it stew. I had many iterations of Lullaloop but once I became fixated on the specific idea of renting, I didn’t stop thinking about it for months and months – that is when I knew.
Secondly, research as much as you can – do your own surveys to analyse the markets so you can gain crucial insights.
Finally, if you want to start a product business, go slow on the development of the product – you need to get it right and being patient with it takes a lot of discipline.
3. What does a brief day in your life look like?!
The mornings are hectic, between the kids waking up and starting work, I have to get everyone ready for nursery, walk the dog, fit in yoga and then be at my desk by 9 am.
Every day is different but there are routine jobs that need to be done such as making content for all my platforms, checking my website analytics and performance, contacting publications and content creators about potential collaborations as well as answering customer service enquiries, and packing and sending out orders. There is also always a daily crisis, currently, it’s our Spring / Summer stock stuck in customs!
I collect the girls at 530 and until their bedtime my phone goes away so I can concentrate on them.
It’s then dinner and a bit more work, and then some much needed downtime. I am in bed by 10 pm to start the next day afresh!
4. What’s your guilty pleasure?!
Watching Friends, at least weekly, even though I’ve seen every episode hundreds of times!
5. Favourite holiday destination?
Before the girls - Asia, specifically Malaysia and Borneo. Now it’s either Mauritius or simply going to Devon with the girls.
6. What is your earliest child memory?
Seeing my youngest brother at the hospital when he was born, I was just under 5.
7. What do you think is the key to happiness?
Focusing on the present, not constantly thinking and hoping about the future.
8. Window or aisle seat?
9. What’s a super power you wish you had?
To switch off my mind, as and when I wanted. Note to self, try and succeed with meditation ( I am useless)!
10. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Always listen, and give credit to, your instinct.